The series International Conference Oxygenalia are organized every second year by the Association of Jędrzej Śniadecki, Karol Olszewski and Zygmunt Wróblewski under the auspices of the Rectors of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Vilnius University in Vilnius, Poznań University of Medical Sciences. The IV Oxygenalia Conference is co-organized by Lithuanian and Polish Academies of Sciences and Polish Institute in Vilnius. The aim of the conference is to explain the key role of oxygen and its compounds in the physico-chemical, biological and environmental sciences, and medicine, as well as in medical and industrial applications. The Oxygenalia’2018 is an interdisciplinary scientific event honored by the participation of distinguished and internationally recognized scientists, whose scientific achievements indicate the research directions and change the character of modern science and medicine.

The leading motto of the Oxygenalia’2018 conference is “In the oxygen invoronment”. This conference is an integral part of the project of International Celebrations of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Jędrzej Śniadecki. Oxygenalia’2018 is devoted to Jedrzej Sniadecki who was one of the most versatile minds of the Polish Enlightenment and the professor of chemistry and medicine at the Vilnius University.